
USAID Project Management Specialist (Malaria)


USAID is recruiting a USAID Project Management Specialist (Malaria) to be based in Maputo, Mozambique.
  • The USAID Project Management Specialist (President’s Malaria Initiative) provides technical leadership, management, and coordination of an array of programs/projects/activities designed to further PMI objectives through malaria control and elimination efforts, and through close coordination with appropriate host-country ministries and the private sector, in order to leverage USG inputs, and to raise domestic sources of funding to manage malaria programs. The work includes serving as a Program/Project Manager and Government Agreement Technical Representative (GATR) for significant and targeted interventions, service as an Activity Manager for centralized programs, providing technical assistance to the appropriate host country Ministry in the development of host-country policies, and the design and management of in country programs/projects/activities, reflecting best practices in malaria prevention, control, and elimination. The Specialist works with the host government and other donors to ensure a well-coordinated approach to PMI, including complementary support with other donor inputs; and, ensures information flows on best practices related to improving malaria prevention, control, and elimination, in order to inform other decision making by USAID and the USG
  • The Specialist works in a complex and rapidly evolving country context, requiring regular contact and collaboration, at technical and policy levels, with counterparts and senior members in the host government, with the private sector, with other donor and international organizations, and with other USG entities
  • The Specialist exercises extensive judgment in planning and carrying out tasks, in resolving problems and conflicts, and in taking steps necessary to meet deadlines. The Specialist serves as a GATR, with a program/project/activity portfolio that has an estimated annual burn rate at least in the US$1-5M range; or, as an Activity Manager with responsibility for activity in the US$10-50M range
  • SUBJECT: Solicitation for a Cooperating Country National Personal Service Contractor (CCNPSC) – USAID Project Management Specialist (Malaria), FSN-11 Equivalent
  • Dear Prospective Offerors:
  • The United States Government, represented by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) in Mozambique is seeking applications from qualified persons to provide personal services under contract as described in this solicitation
  • Offers must be in accordance with Attachment 1, Sections I through V of this solicitation. Incomplete offers will not be considered. Offerors should retain copies of all offer materials for their records
  • This solicitation in no way obligates USAID to award a PSC contract, nor does it commit USAID to pay any cost incurred in the preparation and submission of the offers
  • Any questions must be directed in writing to the Point of Contact specified in the attached information
  • Solicitation No. 72065620R100028 opened to all Mission current employees and external candidates who meet the stated qualifications
  • Point of Contact:
  • Market Value: USD54, 568– USD74, 418 per annum, equivalent to FSN-11 (Step1-12)
  • In accordance with AIDAR Appendix J and the Local Compensation Plan of USAID/Mozambique). Final compensation will be negotiated within the market value
  • Period of Performance: The base period will be one year, estimated to start on or about September 2020. Based on Agency need, the Contracting Officer may exercise additional option periods for the dates estimated as follows:
  • Base Period: September 2020 – September 2021
  • Option Period 1: +September 2021-November 15, 2022
  • Eligible Offerors: To meet basic eligibility requirements, the applicant must be a cooperating country citizen or a non-cooperating country citizen lawfully admitted for permanent residence in the cooperating country
  • Security Level Required: Employment Certification (RSO Certification)
  • Statement of Duties:
  • Background: The U.S. President's Malaria Initiative (PMI) is an interagency initiative led by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and implemented together with U.S.Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The PMI Strategy for 2015-2020 to work with PMI-supported countries and partners to further reduce malaria deaths and substantially decrease malaria morbidity, towards the long-term goal of elimination. Since its launch in 3 countries in 2005, PMI has expanded to 27 country programs
  • The goal of the President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI) is to reduce malaria-related mortality by fifty percent (50%) across a number of high-burden countries in sub-Saharan Africa, and elsewhere, through rapid scale-up of proven and highly effective malaria prevention and treatment measures, including: Insecticide-Treated Mosquito Nets (ITNs); Indoor Residual Spraying (IRS); accurate diagnosis and prompt treatment with Artemisinin-based Combination Therapies (ACTs); and Intermittent Preventive Treatment of Pregnant women (IPTP). Malaria prevention and control remain major US foreign assistance objectives, and the PMI Strategy fully aligns with the USG vision of ending preventable child and maternal deaths and ending extreme poverty. Under the PMI Strategy, the USG goal is to work with PMI-supported countries and partners to further reduce malaria deaths, and substantially decrease malaria morbidity, towards the long-term goal of elimination
  • Benefits and Allowances:
  • This is a local position and compensation will be in accordance with the Local Compensation Plan
  • USAID Regulations, Policies and Contract Clauses pertaining to PSCs:
  • USAID regulations and policies governing CCN/TCN PSC awards are available at these sources:
  • USAID Acquisition Regulation (AIDAR), Appendix J, “Direct USAID Contracts With a Cooperating Country National and with a Third Country National for Personal Services Abroad,” including contract clause “General Provisions,” available at
  • Contract Cover Page form AID 309-1 available at Pricing by line item is to be determined upon contract award as described below:
  • (C) UNIT
  • (E) AMOUNT
  • (F) 0001 Base Period - Compensation, Fringe Benefits and Other Direct Costs (ODCs)
  • Award Type: PSC Product Service Code: R497
  • Accounting Info: 1 LOT $ _TBD__ $_TBD at Award after negotiations with Contractor_1001 Option Period 1 – Compensation, Fringe Benefits and Other Direct Costs (ODCs)
  • Award Type: PSC
  • Product Service Code: R497
  • Accounting Info: 1 LOT $ _TBD__ $_TBD at Award after negotiations with Contractor_Acquisition & Assistance Policy Directives/Contract Information Bulletins (AAPDs/CIBs) for Personal Services Contracts with Individuals available at 
  • Ethical Conduct. By the acceptance of a USAID personal services contract as an individual, the contractor will be acknowledging receipt of the “Standards of Ethical Conduct for Employees of the Executive Branch,” available from the U.S. Office of Government Ethics, in accordance with General Provision 2 and 5 CFR 2635. See
Program/Project/Activity Management (60%)
  • The USAID Project Management Specialist (PMI) serves as a GATR and/or Activity Manager, with full responsibility for management, implementation, evaluation, and monitoring of assigned aspects of PMI/Mozambique portfolio. The Specialist manages the Government-to-Government programming and activity design for PMI/Mozambique. The Specialist advises the PMI Resident Advisors, the (Preventing Child and Maternal Death) PCMD Division Chief, the Division and Team co-workers, the Health Office Chief, the Mission Director and Deputy Mission Director, and others on local matters of importance to the President’s Malaria Initiative and ongoing and planned malaria programs/projects/activities, on monitoring activities, and providing management oversight of implementing partners’ programs. The Specialist provides critical inputs to the achievement of overall results and Mission and USG Goals and objectives, requiring the Specialist to remain current on the economic, political, and social trends of the Government of Mozambique, to analyze trends in relation to their impact on the overall malaria program, and to collaborate with other donors in order to assure synergy and complementarity
Data Management (20%)
  • Provides technical support to all areas of data management including ensuring appropriate data ingestion (manual and automated), inventorying and cataloguing in the PMI data platform—for all malaria-related datasets (e.g. financial, programmatic, epidemiological, entomological, supply chain, demographic)
  • Supports the (National Malaria Control Program) NMCP in data validation processes and in the implementation of routine DQAs at facility/district/national levels
  • Develops the PMI/Mozambique team’s data management plan and works with PMI-funded implementing partners to ensure their data management plans adequately describe datasets, access and sharing, data collection and analysis methodology, intellectual property rights, ethics and privacy and storage and backup
  • Tracks and enforces PMI implementing partner submission of all datasets, in machine-readable format, to the USAID Development Data Library (DDL)
Data Visualization, Reporting and Use (10%)
  • Assists with the development and expansion of key platforms used by the MOH and the National Malaria Control Program (NMCP), including DHIS2, SIGLUS, other eLMIS and the Integrated Malaria Information and Storage System (iMISS)
  • Ensures adherence to the RBM MERG, the WHO Digital Health Interventions Guideline and the USAID Digital Health Strategy
  • Provides technical assistance to the NMCP and PMI/Mozambique team to integrate analyzes and visualizes data, and builds a culture of data use for decision-making
  • Facilitates the establishment and institutionalization of data use processes, with a focus on reducing the time in the information to decision cycle within PMI and the NMCP
  • Works with the PMI-funded embedded SM&E advisor at the NMCP to assist with coordination, national M&E strategic plan development, standard DHIS2 malaria module implementation, monthly/quarterly data review meetings at district and national levels, as well as provincial and district level scorecards to foster a culture of data use and accountability
Performance Monitoring (10%)
  • The Specialist ensures that performance monitoring systems are in place, and that periodic, reliable measures and indicators of portfolio impact are established; and, collects and monitors performance data on an ongoing basis, and prepares reports of program/project/activity progress for use within the Office, the Mission, the USG at Post, and for USAID/Washington and others. The Specialist assesses progress in achieving results for malaria-related activities, and evaluates and assesses activities as needed; and, continually strives to enhance the achievement of results by periodically reviewing the development context, results indicators, and activity implementation progress, identifying problem areas and suggesting solutions
  • Supervisory Relationship: The USAID Project Management Specialist (PMI) works under the very general supervision of the Health Office Chief, and the closer but general supervision of a lower-level supervisor. The supervisor makes assignments in terms of overall objectives and resources available. Completed work is reviewed in terms of achievement of program/project/activity goals, effectiveness in meeting host-country and USAID objectives, and integration with other initiatives in the Office and Mission portfolio. Some technical direction may come from other professionals in the Office; in general, however, the Specialist will be expected to exercise considerable autonomy and best judgment in discharging the duties of the assignment
  • Supervisory Exercised: None
  • Available Guidelines: Available guidelines include USG program/project/activity guidance, rules, and requirements; USAID Mission Orders, Mission strategy, and other relevant reports; the Automated Directives System (ADS); USAID Mandatory and Standard Provisions, and the FAR and AIDAR; and, President’s Malaria Initiative guidelines and malaria operational plans, Country Operational Plans, host-government Five-Year Strategic Plans (or equivalent), and other published and unpublished guidelines. Guidelines are often general in nature and not specific to the situation at hand, requiring considerable interpretation
  • Exercise of Judgment: Substantial judgment (discretion) is used daily in providing technical opinion and guidance to US G, USAID, and host-government colleagues, to IPs, and in representing USAID in stakeholder forums. Management decisions over certain IPs are at the discretion of the Specialist. Independent judgment is required for developing, implementing, and managing assigned programs/projects/activities, for reporting, and for other assignments. Substantial judgment is required in analyzing and determining whether or not to recommend approval of proposed rograms/projects/activities, in choosing among alternative proposals, and in evaluating data for reliability
  • Authority to Make Commitments: The Specialist exercises the authority given to activity managers and CORs/AORs and may make administrative arrangements consistent with ADS guidance and Mission and Office policy. The Specialist takes actions and establishes priorities based on available guidelines and professional judgment. Guidance is sought when needed, and superiors informed of activity and project status. Within the scope of the authority delegated, the Specialist may indicate to ranking counterpart and IP officials that they will make a recommendation to USAID on a specific activity, issue, or problem. The Specialist has no independent authority to commit the USG to the expenditure of funds but may negotiate ad referendum for the supervisor
  • Nature, Level, and Purpose of Contacts: The Specialist has a full range of contacts within the Mission, at all levels, and maintains contact with IPs implementing USAID-funded programs/projects/activities in the sector. Within the Embassy, contacts are with counterpart staffs, and with senior staff as needed. Host-government, local, and other, contacts vary widely with the type of activity being implemented, and may be at any level – including Ministerial-level, Deputy Minister-level, etc. Frequent and substantive personal contacts with senior-level officials of the host government, and with the private sector, are for the purpose of explaining and defending Health Office and USAID policies, objectives, and procedures, and to transmit and interpret host-government and private-sector attitudes and concerns to senior USAID officials. In addition, the Specialist provides technical assistance and guidance on best practices to USG staff, and host-government and NGO partners
  • Post Entry Training: On-the-job familiarization training in USAID and PMI-specific procedures, regulations, and methods, and orientation to working from a donor-Agency perspective, etc., will be provided. Formal COR/AOR certification is required for successful performance and will be provided. Other courses, training to maintain professional capability in the field, and courses offered for professional USAID staff as appropriate; and, courses, seminars, conferences, and other activities in fields related to the function and needed to maintain and update professional qualifications as appropriate, will be provided as they become available, and subject to availability of funds CCN PSCs may participate in temporary duty (TDY) travel to USAID/Washington and other Missions in order to participate in the Foreign Service National Fellowship Program described in ADS 495maa
  • Education: The work requires a Master’s in Public Health (MPH), or Master’s in Nursing degree, or a degree as a Public Health Physician in a field involving and/or related to clinical and/or field work in malaria
  • Prior Work Experience: A minimum of five to seven years of progressively responsible experience in the field of public health, with a focus on clinical and/or field work in public health involving malaria is required. This experience must demonstrate that the Specialist has strong medical/clinical skills in the field. The Specialist must have demonstrated technical leadership in malaria prevention and control, program management, strategic planning, policy experience, and problem-solving skills while working on complex programs/projects/activities in a highly sensitive environment
  • Language Proficiency: Level 4 (advanced professional proficiency) English and Portuguese proficiency, both oral and written, is required. (Language will be tested)
  • Job Knowledge: The Specialist must have in-depth professional-level knowledge of development principles, concepts, and practices, especially as they relate to malarial education, prevention, and treatment activities in the host country and/or region, and the problems and policies in the host country from the business, political, civil society, and social perspectives
  • The Specialist must have knowledge and understanding of the economic, political, social, and cultural characteristics of the host country; development problems in the health sector in the host country and the region; an understanding of the resources, resource constraints, and overall development prospects and priorities of the host country and the region; and, knowledge of, or the potential to quickly acquire knowledge of, USG legislation, policy, and practice relating to malaria prevention and treatment assistance, of USAID programming policies, regulations, procedures, and documentation, and of the objectives, methodology, and status of assigned activities. The Specialist must have knowledge and understanding of the organization and respective roles of the different levels of the host government, in order to enhance effective communication, and to develop consensus on program/project/activity strategy and implementation
  • Skills and Abilities: The Specialist must have a good knowledge and demonstrated experience in the programming of malaria prevention, control, and elimination programs/projects/activities; and, the role of malaria prevention, control, and elimination with other health areas such as health systems strengthening, PEPFAR, maternal and child health, and family planning. The Specialist should be able to facilitate and link culturally appropriate assessments, counseling, treatment deficits, and related issues and facilitation of linkages to food security programs, including water, sanitation, and hygiene promotion; and, be able to use this data for decision making. The Specialist must be able to provide technical leadership in malaria planning; and, apply this knowledge to advanced programming in the host country and the region
Evaluation and Selection Factors
  • The Government may award a contract without discussions with offerors in accordance with FAR 52.215-1. The CO reserves the right at any point in the evaluation process to establish a competitive range of offerors with whom negotiations will be conducted pursuant to FAR 15.306(c). In accordance with FAR 52.215-1, if the CO determines that the number of offers that would otherwise be in the competitive range exceeds the number at which an efficient competition can be conducted, the CO may limit the number of offerors in the competitive range to the greatest number that will permit an efficient competition among the most highly rated offers. The FAR provisions referenced above are available at
The following evaluation factors are established
  • Education – 20 points
  • Prior Work Experience – 25 points
  • Language Proficiency – 10 points
  • Job Knowledge – 20 points
  • Skills and Abilities – 25 points
  • Maximum Points: 100 points
  • Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted
  • A cover letter in English with CV/Applicant Resume in English
  • Names, contact numbers, and e-mail addresses of three professional references from individuals who are not family members or relatives. Reference checks will be conducted for the final selected candidate for the Contracting Officer to make a responsibility determination. USAID/Mozambique reserves the right to solicit references from other sources as deemed appropriate
  • To ensure consideration of offers for the intended position, Offerors must prominently reference the Solicitation number in the offer submission
  • Only interviewed candidates will be informed in writing of the Selection Committee’s final decision
  • Once the Contracting Officer (CO) informs the successful Offeror about being selected for a contract award, the CO will provide the successful Offeror instructions about how to complete and submit the required forms
  • Time Expected to Reach Full Performance Level: One year
  • Physical Demands: The work requested does not involve undue physical demands
  • Per this scoring, Prior Work Experience and Skills and Abilities are the most important factors, followed by Education, Job Knowledge and Language Proficiency. Applications will initially be screened for conformity with minimum requirements. Only applicants who meet the minimum qualification requirements for the position will be considered. Candidates will be evaluated based on relevant education, prior work experience, knowledge, language proficiency, skills and abilities demonstrated in their application packages
  • A Technical Evaluation Committee (TEC) will be convened to review applications and evaluate them in accordance with the evaluation criteria. Applications from candidates who do not meet the required selection criteria will not be scored. Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted and will be invited for an oral interview. Candidates successfully passing the oral interview, will be invited for a language exam and may also be required to pass a written test. No response will be sent to unsuccessful applicants
  • Professional references will be conducted for the top ranked candidate and will be utilized to supplement the TEC’s recommendation to the Contracting Officer to offer the position to the top ranked candidate. USAID/Mozambique reserves the right to solicit references from other sources as deemed appropriate
  • Final selection will be based on the application package, language abilities, oral interview, reference checks and written test. This is a local position and compensation will be in accordance with the Local Compensation Plan
  • Please note that USAID and the U.S. Government NEVER require payment of any money in connection with a job application
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  • Publicado 03.08.2020
  • Expira 17.08.2020
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  • Traduzir para Português

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