
USAID Development Assistance Specialist (Self-Reliance)


USAID is recruiting a USAID Development Assistance Specialist (Self-Reliance) to be based in Maputo, Mozambique.
  • Basic Function: The USAID/Mozambique Integrated Health Office is responsible for directing a $250 million per year health program in Mozambique to achieve the US and Mozambican Governments’ highest health objectives in country: to control the HIV epidemic (through the US President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, or ‘PEPFAR’); and to prevent child and maternal death (or ‘PCMD’ in part through the U.S. President’s Malaria Initiative, or ‘PMI’). The Integrated Health Office is one of largest and most complex overseas USAID offices with four divisions (HIV/AIDS, Systems, PCMD, Operations) consisting of 62 total staff (7 USDHs, 10 PSCs, 45 FSNs), two Presidential health initiatives, and seven integrated health program areas (HIV/AIDS, malaria, maternal-child health, family planning, nutrition, tuberculosis, water/sanitation). The USAID health program constitutes approximately 85% of the overall Mission program, and, as such, is at the center of the Mission’s Country Development Cooperation Strategy (CDCS), highlighted by the Administration’s priority to achieve and sustain self-reliance in the health sector through more independent and fully functioning public health institutions and private sector engagement
  • The USAID Development Assistance Specialist (Self-Reliance) Specialist works closely with the Mission Integrated Health Office Chief and the Mission Director to provide consistent leadership in planning, managing, and overseeing the health components of the USAID CDCS, and the delivering of USAID products to Mozambican health authorities, representing USAID as its leading public health expert. The Specialist has full program responsibility for developing and managing: the technical strategy and high-level host government coordination to guide the top Agency priority for developing host-country self-reliance through CDCS implementation and related annual planning, along with other Government of the Republic of Mozambique (GoRM)/US Government (USG) priorities, as well as with partners not previously receiving funding from USAID; the CDCS components that involve greater integrated synergy among health and non-health programs within the overall USAID program, and with other health-related USG agency programs; and, the analysis, consolidation, and evaluation of the Mission’s evidence-based and globally recognized health interventions, in order to achieve CDCS outcomes and Presidential health initiatives
  • SUBJECT: Solicitation for a Cooperating Country National Personal Service Contractor (CCNPSC) – USAID Development Assistance Specialist (Self-Reliance), FSN-13 Equivalent
  • Dear Prospective Offerors:
  • The United States Government, represented by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) in Mozambique is seeking applications from qualified persons to provide personal services under contract as described in this solicitation
  • Offers must be in accordance with Attachment 1, Sections I through V of this solicitation. Incomplete offers will not be considered. Offerors should retain copies of all offer materials for their records
  • This solicitation in no way obligates USAID to award a PSC contract, nor does it commit USAID to pay any cost incurred in the preparation and submission of the offers
  • Any questions must be directed in writing to the Point of Contact specified in the attached information
  • Solicitation No. 72065620R100025 opened to all Mission current employees and external candidates who meet the stated qualifications
  • Point of Contact:
  • Market Value: USD90,756– USD127,056 per annum, equivalent to FSN-13(Step1-12)
  • In accordance with AIDAR Appendix J and the Local Compensation Plan of USAID/Mozambique). Final compensation will be negotiated within the market value
  • Period of Performance: The base period will be one year, estimated to start on or about July 2020. Based on Agency need, the Contracting Officer may exercise additional option periods for the dates estimated as follows:
  • Base Period: July 2020 – July 2021
  • Option Period 1: +July 2021-November 15, 2022
  • Eligible Offerors: To meet basic eligibility requirements, the applicant must be a cooperating country citizen or a non-cooperating country citizen lawfully admitted for permanent residence in the cooperating country
  • Security Level Required: Employment Certification (RSO Certification)
  • Benefits and Allowances:
  • This is a local position and compensation will be in accordance with the Local Compensation Plan
  • USAID Regulations, Policies and Contract Clauses pertaining to PSCs:
  • USAID regulations and policies governing CCN/TCN PSC awards are available at these sources:
  • USAID Acquisition Regulation (AIDAR), Appendix J, “Direct USAID Contracts With a Cooperating Country National and with a Third Country National for Personal Services Abroad,” including contract clause “General Provisions,” available at Contract Cover Page form AID 309-1 available at Pricing by line item is to be determined upon contract award as described below:
  • (C) UNIT
  • (E) AMOUNT
  • (F) 0001 Base Period - Compensation, Fringe Benefits and Other Direct Costs (ODCs)
  • Award Type: PSC
  • Product Service Code: R497
  • Accounting Info:656-MOD-656-20- 0002-08 1 LOT $ _TBD__ $_TBD at Award after negotiations with Contractor_1001 Option Period 1 – Compensation, Fringe Benefits and Other Direct Costs (ODCs)
  • Award Type: PSC
  • Product Service Code: R497
  • Accounting Info: 656-MOD-656-20-0002-08 1 LOT $ _TBD__ $_TBD at Award after negotiations with Contractor_Acquisition & Assistance Policy Directives/Contract Information Bulletins (AAPDs/CIBs) for Personal Services Contracts with Individuals available at
  • Ethical Conduct. By the acceptance of a USAID personal services contract as an individual, the contractor will be acknowledging receipt of the “Standards of Ethical Conduct for Employees of the Executive Branch,” available from the U.S. Office of Government Ethics, in accordance with General Provision 2 and 5 CFR 2635. See
Technical Leadership, Mentoring, and Management Support (60%)
  • The USAID Development Assistance Specialist (Self-Reliance) leads the strategic development, implementation, and related monitoring and evaluation of the CDCS that hinges on three focal areas: strategic planning and health sector policy development through USAID direct engagement and coordination with Implementing Partners (IPs); the CDCS components that involve greater integrated synergy among health and non-health programs within the overall USAID program and with other health-related USG agency programs; and, the consolidation and scale-up of evidence-based activities that best support GoRM and USG priorities
  • The Specialist leads cross-cutting teams to manage a broad range of high-level activities, including the development of in-depth analyses of existing programs and potential opportunities, and makes policy recommendations to USG and GoRM senior leadership as necessary
  • The Specialist maintains extensive contact with senior counterparts in the Mozambique National Directorate of Public Health, its disease specific programs for HIV/AIDS, malaria, TB, MCH, FP, and nutrition, the National HIV/AIDS Commission (CNCS), the National Institute of Health (INS), and other GoRM institutions, leading technical contributions on policy development and strategic planning, USAID participation in GoRMGoRMled and interagency technical working groups (TWGs), and joint program evaluation with the Ministries. The Specialist acts as the USAID/USG representative and key advisor on health-related donor coordination activities in technical domains for sector-wide programs, including the Global Fund, the Global Finance Facility (GFF) and the Vaccine Alliance (GAVI). The Specialist liaises with other USAID technical Teams, USG agencies, donors, civil society, technical experts, the private sector, research institutions and universities, and relevant stakeholders to ensure maximum effectiveness of USAID health activities, as part of the Office strategy focus on program integration
  • The Specialist oversees the increased USAID focus on self-reliance and sustainability, and provides technical and strategic recommendations and direction for how best to coordinate investments for the complex task of maintaining maximum program impact, while transitioning areas of program responsibility to national stakeholders, driven in part by the Office of the Global AIDS Coordinator, requiring PEPFAR operating units to target at least 70% of program resources to local/indigenous partners. The Specialist initiates and develops relationships with the private sector and non-traditional partners to USAID, in support of strengthening the resilience and capacity of Mozambican institutions. The Specialist supports inter-Office sustainability efforts, with particular focus on the technical aspects of the transition for various projects within the program portfolio iv. The Specialist leads Office strategy efforts to develop and use evidence to consolidate, scale-up, and evaluate proven activities (with technical contributions from the Operations Division/Strategic Information Team) that are well coordinated within USAID, the USG, and the health sector at large, demonstrating strong value for money, maximum leverage potential, and USAID’s comparative advantage. The work informs all technical staff of project improvements to undertake for operational planning (COP/MOP/OP), contractual/agreement amendments, work-plan development/adjustments (including annual joint work-plan development and performance review exercises with the GoRM and within USAID), and other project refining activities
Technical Coordination in the Health Sector (20%)
  • The Specialist provides key leadership in managing GoRM and donor relationships in the technical programs of the health sector, leading joint task forces/commissions in technical domains, technical working group participation, and coordination (within USAID, the USG, and with the GoRM)
  • The Specialist coordinates myriad activities that fall under grant/program development for other major projects in the sector, such as the Global Fund and the Global Finance Facility, applying substantial expertise and experience in the Mozambican health sector. The Specialist serves as an integral member of high-level GoRM technical steering committee meetings, chaired by the National Director of Public Health, the extended PEPFAR Agency Heads Team chaired by the Deputy Chief of Mission, and the senior leadership Team in the Office. The Specialist triangulates periodic updates from the GoRM, the Presidential Initiative health programs in WDC, and other USAID/Global Health updates to Team members, Mission senior staff, and the Ambassador, when called upon, keeping stakeholders informed on relevant activities and issues. The Specialist serves as a key host for senior delegation visits
  • The Specialist prepares comprehensive written health-related concept papers for influential senior leadership, and related audiences, requiring exceptional background, and competency in and understanding of the Mozambican health sector, and an exceptional creative ability to convey important yet difficult ideas in a logical, persuasive, and coherent manner. Documents and papers allow decision-makers to provide direction for health programs, G2G recipients and IPs can receive input on the USG stance regarding certain issues, and senior policy makers in Washington may be made aware of progress, roadblocks, and other issues requiring higher level intervention
  • The Specialist establishes and maintains contacts with high-level GoRM officials and influential persons, grantees, civil society leaders, non-traditional USAID partners, universities and research institutions, and private sector leaders. The Specialist communicates effectively, orally and in writing and in English as well as in Portuguese, and analyzes and solves complex problems independently, while still working as a member of the Team
Project Development & Monitoring (20%)
  • The Specialist oversees the development of USAID technical programming for the health sector and provide inputs to and reflections on GoRM socio-economic and health strategies, and the Embassy Integrated Country Strategy and the Country Development Cooperation Strategy, including reviewing and approving Concept Papers, Project Appraisal Documents, Action Memos, Project Authorizations, Results Frameworks, required analyses (gender, sustainability, etc.), required pre-obligation documents, and other design documentation, and facilitating the clearance process for design and/or reporting documents that often involve USAID/Washington staff and interagency Embassy colleagues
  • The Specialist supports development of relevant portfolio reviews of Integrated Health Office programs and projects under the health office strategy, including performance reports, pipeline management reviews, program implementation reviews, and other USAID and USG reporting requirements
  • The Specialist supports work with CORs/AORs/AMs, and project support staff, in order to strengthen technical content in periodic portfolio reviews, and analyses on the effectiveness of transition activities. The work of the Specialist includes arranging and/or facilitating USAID evaluations and assessments of program successes and challenges, and/or review and analysis of country and program data. The Specialist ensures documentation for new project designs, and modifications of existing projects, is fully compliant with Agency and Mission-specific rules, as well as with recommendations from the USAID Office of the Inspector General (OIG)
  • The Specialist oversees site monitoring programs to gauge implementation progress, champions office-wide use of data analysis to generate periodic reports, and recommends changes in strategic and/or implementation approaches related to technical programs, as guided by observations on program effectiveness, and impact on the ground
  • The Specialist participates in development of performance tracking tools, and provides guidance on Agency results reporting requirements, ensuring data quality meet appropriate standards
Supervisory Relationship
  • The Supervisory USAID Development Assistance Specialist (Self-Reliance) works under the very general direct supervision of the Integrated Health Office Chief, and/or his/her designee. Assignments are made orally and in writing. Most assignments occur in the normal course of the work, but the Specialist is required to determine those that must be coordinated with the supervisor. The supervisor provides a review of the assignment, the goals and objectives to be achieved, and the results expected. The Specialist will seek advice and assistance as required. Work is reviewed in terms of results achieved
  • Supervisory Exercised: None
  • Available Guidelines: Available technical and administrative guidelines establish a broad pattern of operation that requires a frequent need to exercise judgment and interpretation, and provides an opportunity for a high degree of initiative and innovation. Relevant guidelines include the Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR), USAID Acquisition Regulations (AIDAR), the Automated Directives System (ADS), Contract Information Bulletins (CIBs), US Department of State Standardized Regulations, Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circulars, Mission Orders, and grant format requirements, the FAM, Mozambican Labor Law, Mission Orders and Notices, and USAID programming policies regulations and methodologies
  • Exercise of Judgment: The Specialist, as a recognized representative of USAID and the USG, is required to knows and understands the International Donor Community with their diplomatic credentials, taking into consideration their objectives when planning the amount of USG’s contribution to the health sector, and what benchmarks must be established for the GoRM to meet, and how to avoid oversaturation and duplication of health projects sufficiently funded by other donor nations or organizations. Considerable judgment is applied internally; in gaining consensus with various Mission support offices, ranging from Financial Management, RLO Council, audit agencies, technical offices, and other related agencies when crafting concept papers as part of coordination efforts. The Specialist provides guidance to Health Office technical Teams, the Program Office, FM, and the A&A Office
  • Authority to Make Commitments: The Specialist takes action and establishes priorities based on available guidelines and professional judgment. Guidance is sought when needed, and the supervisor informed of activity and project status. Within the scope of the authority delegated, the Specialist may indicate to ranking counterpart officials that they will make a recommendation to USAID on a specific activity issue or problem.
  • The Specialist may negotiate ad referendum for the Office Chief and the Mission. The Specialist is not authorized to independently commit the USG to the expenditure of funds Nature, Level, and Purpose of Contacts: The Specialist maintains effective working relationships within the Mission and with other USG agencies, as well as the GoRM and the international donor community. The
  • Specialist is often the main USAID contact with officials of the host government, local vendors, and other donor agencies, as well as USAID employees at all levels. The Specialist coordinates with USAID technical offices, the USG inter-agency, international donors, the HPG, and the Ministry of Health to set budgetary targets, perform analysis, and make financial decisions regarding USAID support to the health sector
  • Time Expected to Reach Full Performance Level: One year
  • Physical Demands: The work requested does not involve undue physical demands
  • Minimum qualifications required for this position:
  • Education: A US-equivalent Master’s Degree in public health, international health, social sciences or related fields, or equivalent clinical qualifications is required
  • Prior Work Experience: A minimum of ten (10) years of progressively responsible, professional–level experience in the implementation and/or management of health development activities/projects is required. Of the total years of experience, eight (8) years of this experience must be in a demonstrated area of international aid and development assistance work with donor organizations/institutions, government, public and private institutions, the World Bank, or other bilateral/multilateral and/or international agencies engaging in similar functions and capacity
  • Post Entry Training: Familiarization training in USAID-specific procedures, regulations, and methods will be provided. Orientation to working from a donor-Agency perspective, etc., will be provided. Formal COR/AOR certification courses, GLAAS, Phoenix, and training to maintain professional capability in the field, and other courses offered for professional USAID staff, will be provided as appropriate; and, courses, seminars, conferences, and other activities in fields related to the function, and needed to maintain and update professional qualifications, will be provided as they become available, subject to the availability of funds. CCN PSCs may participate in temporary duty (TDY) travel to USAID/Washington and other Missions in order to participate in the Foreign Service National Fellowship Program described in ADS 495maa
  • Language Proficiency: Level IV English and Portuguese, fluency in speaking and writing, is required. (Language proficiency will be tested)
  • Job Knowledge: The Specialist must know and understand the international donor community and their respective strategic objectives, and have a comprehensive knowledge of the context of international health assistance to Mozambique, technical best practices in the health sector, the role of civil society and the private sector, the constitution, laws and GoRM policies and their effect on health, and a detailed understanding of GoRM financial planning, formulation, and execution. The Specialist must have in-depth technical knowledge in one or more sub-sectors of health. The Specialist must have expert knowledge of the context of international assistance and the implementation of the Mozambican Health Sector Strategy. In-depth knowledge, or the ability to quickly gain an in-depth knowledge, of USAID programming, policies, regulations, budgeting, monitoring and evaluation, and methodologies is mandatory. The work requires specialized knowledge of, or the ability to quickly gain specialized knowledge of, USG and GoRM programing, including policies, procedures, and documentation related to all areas of the program cycle. The Specialist must know and understand the international donor community members, and their respective strategic objectives
  • Skills and Abilities: The Specialist must have skills in interagency/health sector diplomacy, policy and implementation, and knowledge of the other major sector-wide programs implemented by the Global Fund, the Global Vaccine Initiative, the World Bank Global Finance Facility program, the health sector basket fund Prosaude, and the various programs implemented by other multilateral entities (the United Nations agencies, Gates and Clinton Foundations, etc.). The Specialist must possess excellent interpersonal, collaboration, facilitation, and teambuilding skills, oral and written communication skills, and the ability to maintain excellent working relationships with host-country counterparts, and potential new partners of USAID, including the private sector, as well as traditional partners to USAID. In addition, the Specialist must demonstrate the ability to work independently, take initiative, and negotiate complex relationships with numerous stakeholders; and, have the ability to analyze and prepare technical reports and devise fiscal year budgeting activities
  • The Specialist is required to develop and maintain strategic program and project reports, in collaboration with the Controller, Contracting/Agreement Officer, RLO, and Program Officer. The Specialist must be adept in dealing with high-level government and senior management staff and officials, and public speaking, negotiation, influencing, persuasion, and tact skills. The Specialist must possess advanced computer skills, and be familiar with Internet technology, with extensive working knowledge of the Microsoft Office Suite of software. Knowledge of statistical software for epidemiological research is a plus. Knowledge of, or the ability to gain knowledge of, USAID reporting tools for budgeting and monitoring and evaluation is required. The Specialist must develop creative ways of dealing with sensitive matters vis-à-vis other donors and must be highly innovative in order to plan and implement USAID/Mozambique health donor coordination plans, devising new strategies or removing ineffective programs. The Specialist maintains large amounts of data related to USAID’s G2G, and on-budget support to the GoRM, and controls sensitive information and data on USAID programs and other donor interventions in the host country. The Specialist maintains financial/activity reports on Mission cooperation and collaboration with the host government, as well as Integrated Health Office IPs, with regard to all technical components of the health strategy. The Specialist serves in the role of G2G technical lead
Evaluation and Selection Factors
  • The Government may award a contract without discussions with offerors in accordance with FAR 52.215-1. The CO reserves the right at any point in the evaluation process to establish a competitive range of offerors with whom negotiations will be conducted pursuant to FAR 15.306(c). In accordance with FAR 52.215-1, if the CO determines that the number of offers that would otherwise be in the competitive range exceeds the number at which an efficient competition can be conducted, the CO may limit the number of offerors in the competitive range to the greatest number that will permit an efficient competition among the most highly rated offers. The FAR provisions referenced above are available at
The following evaluation factors are established
  • Education  -  10 points
  • Prior Work Experience  -  25 points
  • Language Proficiency  -  10 points
  • Job Knowledge  -  25 points
  • Skills and Abilities  -  30 points
  • Maximum Points: 100 points
  • Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted
  • A cover letter in English with CV/Applicant Resume in English
  • Names, contact numbers, and e-mail addresses of three professional references from individuals who are not family members or relatives. Reference checks will be conducted for the final selected candidate for the Contracting Officer to make a responsibility determination. USAID/Mozambique reserves the right to solicit references from other sources as deemed appropriate
  • To ensure consideration of offers for the intended position, Offerors must prominently reference the Solicitation number in the offer submission
  • Only interviewed candidates will be informed in writing of the Selection Committee’s final decision Once the Contracting Officer (CO) informs the successful Offeror about being selected for a contract award, the CO will provide the successful Offeror instructions about how to complete and submit the required forms
  • Per this scoring, Prior Work Experience and Job Knowledge are the most important factors, followed by Skills and Ability, Education and Language Proficiency. Applications will initially be screened for conformity with minimum requirements. Only applicants who meet the minimum qualification requirements for the position will be considered Candidates will be evaluated based on relevant education, prior work experience, knowledge, language proficiency, skills and abilities demonstrated in their application packages
  • A Technical Evaluation Committee (TEC) will be convened to review applications and evaluate them in accordance with the evaluation criteria. Applications from candidates who do not meet the required selection criteria will not be scored. Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted and will be invited for a language test
  • Candidates successfully passing the language exam will be invited for an oral interview and may also be required to pass a written test. No response will be sent to unsuccessful applicants Professional references will be conducted for the top ranked candidate and will be utilized to supplement the TEC’s recommendation to the Contracting Officer to offer the position to the top ranked candidate. USAID/Mozambique reserves the right to solicit references from other sources as deemed appropriate Final selection will be based on the application package, language abilities, oral interview and reference checks.
  • This is a local position and compensation will be in accordance with the Local Compensation Plan
  • Please note that USAID and the U.S. Government NEVER require payment of any money in connection with a job application
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  • Entidade USAID
  • Local
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  • Publicado 29.06.2020
  • Expira 21.07.2020
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  • Traduzir para Português

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