
Business Development Officers

PSI - Population Services International

PSI is recruiting Business Development Officers, to be based in Sofala, Mozambique.
  • PSI is looking for 2 experienced Business Development Officers who will be responsible for delivering project results on the field in the designated Districts (Buzi and Nhamatanda districts). Specific responsibilities include but are not limited to the duties below
  • Oversee routine planning and reporting between WASH business partners (i.e. retailers, masons) and business-affiliated sales agents
  • Train and mentor business partners (masons) in improved business management practices
  • Oversee and strengthen the quality control of construction and installation of toilets and pre-fabricated toilet components
  • Support coordination of business partners' activities with behavior change and marketing activities
  • Track and ensure adequate supply of toilet components and input materials in the local market
  • Ensure complete, accurate daily sales registration by sales agents and business partners in appropriate formats
  • Monitor and report on implementation and appropriate use of sales and marketing tools by business partners and sales agents
  • Support households and businesses to link to financial loans, savings groups, or payment plans
  • Link and act as a liaison between the Sanitation Focal point and sales agents, masons and enterprises
  • Monitor and ensure quality and timely reporting and documentation of project activities
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Sales, Marketing, Business Administration, or related field
  • At least 3 years of experience, in a Commercial/Sales area
  • Relevant experience working with small businesses and developing and executing plans, and tools to strengthen their viability
  • Experience in Sales and/or Marketing highly desirable
  • Experience with sanitation and improving sanitation technologies
  • Excellent diplomatic, strong oral/written skills
  • Extensive computer skills, interpersonal and cross-cultural skills, and be highly motivated and organized
  • Mozambican nationality
  • Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted
  • It's only a prospective funding opportunity in which PSI/Mozambique is still competing. In case of financing, we encourage local candidates to apply for these positions
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